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翻译句子汉译英 翻译句子汉译英欢迎来到北京,史密斯先生



你这十二个句子的翻译分别是 1 炉子着地狠旺 The stove was on very vigorously 2她着凉了 she caught a cold 3 上不着天,下不着地。



1、您有事吗?( help)May I help you, Sir?What can I help?请问尊姓大名?( have)May I have your name?我看看他在不在。(available)Let me check whether he is available.陈先生现在正忙着呢。

2、She didnt on the train which arrived just now.她不在刚才到达的那个火车上.1Foods which are eaten are not all good ones.吃的东西不都是好食品。

3、物有本末.事有终始.知所先后.则近道矣!Everything has its beginnig and ending,only when you konw them,can you be able to be a good person.1必须有勇气正视无情的真理。

4、他已经读过几本法语书了。He has alread read some French book.为什么现在的交通事故少于从前了?NowadaysWhy there is less traffic accident than before ?这个题目是所有题目中最简单的。

5、this task next month?我这个暑假要打工。I will take a part-time job this summer holiday.1我们很快就要考试了。We will take exams soon.1他们明天一大早到。

6、汉译英] 小明想当一名教师。 你能用英语说出它吗? 她在医院工作,她是一名护士。 我们每天有许多作业要做。 你的钢笔是红色的,我的是白色的。


你已经验过了架子上的货物吗?Did you check the items on the shelf?他父亲相信他已经做了很好的决定。His father believed he had made a sound decision.他忙于下载有关世界人口方面的信息。

More and more college students are keen on a part-time job 3.出国留学的利大于弊。Studying abroad does more good than harm.4.出国留学可以开阔我们的眼界并且丰富我们的人生阅历。

这个男孩过去晚饭后习惯看电视,现在习惯看报纸。 The boy used to watch TV in the past, but now he likes to read newspapers.她花了20美元买了这个字典(两种方法翻译)。

希望可以帮助到你。英汉互译翻译(句子)这样它会长的又高又壮。In this way, it will grow tall and strong. When water freezes,it expands,or gets bigger. 水结冰时会膨胀,体积变大。

他们俩都踢足球,是吗?2 and they both play soccer, right?英语占期末考试的40%。3 English accounts for 40% of the final exam.她因考试而着急。


1、她给我的那块面包摸起来硬邦邦的。The slice of bread she gave me was hard to the touch.他叉起一些腌肉放在面包上。He forked some bacon onto a piece of bread.面包变味儿了,不能吃了。

2、请留意一个穿蓝色外套的老大娘,她的儿子正在找她。(watch out for)问题在于他已经放弃了他的工作。(表语从句)我听到了我们班代表赢得了竞赛第一的消息。

3、There are a lot of new buildings and green trees along the street.2)你看到广场中心的那个纪念碑了吗?Did you see the monument at the center of the square?3)广场的北面是天安门,那是一个宏伟的建筑。

4、Nowadays many children are able to use different computer software program to work on their own and understand them quickly.因为他们的幻想破灭了,不知道在新获得的自由下该做些什么,因此被称为失落的一代。